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Special announcement - Changes July 2023

Hello dear Leviathan Commander players,

in this article, I will present the announced changes to the committee and format, as well as plans related to the involvement of you in shaping Leviathan.


As we all know, life writes different scenarios, and a pawky fate can make a mess. Therefore, the time has come for changes that primarily concern the main members of the committee, whose role in our group has changed a bit. Why? There can be many reasons, but we do not want to focus on obstacles and limitations at the moment, but we still want to create Leviathan with you.

From the main members to the regional representatives: Justo Chacon, Diego Rivera, Marcos Mayora, Paweł Dziewulski.

Asia Kopańska joined the main members of the committee.

Change in format

We have determined that our approach to format management also needs to be changed. Until now, as soon as a new expansion was released, we immediately analyzed it and selected cards to test. With such a strategy, we did not give you time to test some, often very good, cards. For this reason, from now on, along with the Lord of the Rings expansion, we leave the cards "in peace" for a minimum of one quarter (except for expansions that will appear at the end of the quarter, such as Eldrain in September). This will give us and you time to get to know the new cards and see how they affect our meta. An exception to this rule may be cards such as the famous Jeweled Lotus.

We're also introducing a new category, "Experimental Changes", with the October banlist announcement. Cards temporarily unbanned or temporary rule changes will appear in it, probably for the duration of one quarter. After this time, we will decide together with you whether the tested changes will be introduced permanently or cease to apply. Always 2 weeks before the next banlist announcement, we will conduct a survey in which you will be able to express your opinion.

Your contribution to shaping the format

Probably many of you would like to have a real impact on shaping our favorite format. Well, we give you this opportunity! We are setting up a project called "Re-Spark Squad", which will include willing players. A group of no more than 20 players will, together with members of the committee, playtest selected cards/rules and will have the opportunity to give their opinion and take part in the discussion. Announcement with information and recruitment form will appear soon, so keep an eye on the page and announcements!

Online tournaments

Another thing we want to introduce permanently are on-line tournaments played on the cockatrice platform. They will be held periodically from August. A week before we will provide a schedule with planned events.

In addition to the already known KrakenFest, there will also be at least two new types of tournaments that we hope will interest you.

If you have an idea for organizing a tournament and would like to share it with us, feel free to write!

As always, we are looking forward to your feedback.

Your comitee:

Wojciech Kopański, Meng Du, Leonardo Leal, Asia Kopańska.

And Your RP:

Diego Paredes, Mengshi Guo, Nacho Monza, Justo Chacon, Diego Rivera, Marcos Mayora, Pawel Dziewulski.


© 2025 Leviathan
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