Country: Poland
Started with magic: Invasion/7th Edition/Odyssey
Started as commitee member: 2018, March
Started with commander: 2011
Favorite decks: The Mimeoplasm, Tasigur, Najeela, Sidisi MonoBlack.
Hated decks: None
Decks I miss: Tasigur, Sidisi MonoBlack, Karlov, Baral
Favorite cards: Force of Will, Deathrite Shaman, Griselbrand
Wish: Development of the Leviathan Commander format. Raise LC popularity
around the world and unite as many players as possible.

Country: Brazil
Started with magic: I meet the game in 2005 in Saviors of
Kamigawa, but realy get in with Eldrich Moon in 2016.
Started as commitee member: Today!
Started with commander: I have started to play commander in the end of 2017
Favorite decks: Arahbo, Roar of the World in commander, Modern Eldrazi Tron and Legacy Death and Taxes.
Hated decks: I don't hate any decks.
Decks I miss: UB midrange in the Scarab God standard. I miss you big boy.
Favorite cards: Arahbo, Roar of the World, because cats are love!
Wish: I wish Leviathan was fun! And that we have several communities around the world.

Country: China
Started with magic: 2016
Started as commitee member: Jan 2020
Started with commander: 2017
Favorite decks: Keranos God of Storm, Muldrotha, the gravetide
Hated decks: UG ramp control
Decks I miss: traditional hard control
Favorite cards: Force of will
Wish: the Leviathan commander can be the best 1v1 commander format ever