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Reports and data gathering - changes

Hello dear Leviathan Players, As was stated on the Ban List update We will implement some changes. One of them and the first one is a change in info We require from you when you submite a report. Namely, how many points the player scored at the event. New formula: place/player/commander/points/website link For example: 1/Jan Kowalski/Yoshimaru//Keleth/12points/decklist link This subtle additional piece of information will be used by us in our data base which will change drastically for the better! To this day it looked like this:

However, after using it for a long time, we came to the conclusion that it is insufficient and does not provide all the information we would like to receive. For these reasons, we decided to switch to the following method of collecting data.

We believe that with this change, the data collected will be more accurate and will help us have a much better insight into the Leviathan meta. Additionally, we will combine this data with our internally obtained playtest data for even more accurate statistics. With all this, we should be able to make even better decisions.

Remember that all this will only be possible with your help and commitment! Together we are strong, together we can create something good. Submite your report:

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