Country/City: Brazil/Parnaíba
Data: July 2, 2022
Nb of players: 13
1. Lucas Santos - Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
2. Igor Lage - Queen Marchesa
3. Gabriela Azevedo - Tymna the Weaver//Esior, Wardwing Familiar
4. Pedro Resende - Maelstrom Wanderer 5. Elline Pacheco - Winota, Joiner of Forces
6. Pedro Luccas - Elminster
7. Ruan Silva - Chulane, Teller of Tales
8. João Victor - The Scarab God
9. Matheus "Tibalt" - Wilson, Refined Grizzly//Agent of the Shadows Thieves
10. Diego Lúcio - Karlov of the Ghost Council
11. Rafael Rodrigues - Drragonlord Ojultai
12. Sávio Araújo - The Beamtown Bullies
13. Ramon Aguiar - Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy//Scion of Halaster