Country/City: Brazil/São Luís
Data: Dec 5, 2024
Nb of players: 8
1. Thiago Cech - Leovold, Emissary of Trest - 9 pts
2. Eduardo Dorneles - Light Paws, Emperor's Voice - 6 pts
3. Jenilson Lima - Tourach, Dread Cantor - 6 pts
4. Davi Martins - Tivit, Seller of Secrets - 4 pts
5. Antônio Raposo - Voja, Jaws of The Conclave - 4 pts
6. Ricardo Andrade - Yisan, Wanderer Bard - 3 pts
7. Daniel Dionísio - Voja, Jaws of The Conclave - 3 pts
8. Mabel Chung - Admiral Brass, Unsikable - 0 pts