Country/City: Venezuela/Valencia
Data: Dec 27, 2024
Nb of players: 8
1. Antonio Mieussen - Grand Arbiter Augustin IV - 9 pts
2. Johnny Torres - Tasigur, The Golden Gang - 7 pts
3. Marcelo Rodriguez - Kaervek, The Punisher - 6 pts
4. Francisco Rotondaro - Sythis, Harvets´s Hand - 6 pts
5. Romulo Rodriguez - The Scarab God - 6 pts
6. Randy Rodriguez - Skithiryx, The Blight Dragon - 3 pts
7. Fernando Dolado - Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch - 1 pts
8. Alejandro Cadenas - Yuma, Proud Protector - 0 pts