Hello Leviathan players and welcome to the third Krakenfest on-line this year! As always it will be held on cockatrice.
Below you can find basic information about the events:
Registration open: October 9th - October 16th
Tournament start: October 16th
Parings: every Monday
Time for a round: Tuesday - Sunday
Round start: Tuesday 00:00 (GMT + 2)
End of round: Sunday 00:00 (GMT + 2)
Time to report the results: Monday between 00: 00-08: 00 (GMT + 2)
The results of the games: report on Discord - cockatrice-parings_results-entry
Number of rounds: depends on the number of players
Gameplay: 1vs1, swiss
Platform: Cockatrice Cockatrice Server: Rooster Rangers
Decklist: Needed, send link to decklist togheter with your application Prizes: No prizes this time
What you need to do to register?
1) Send your application in the event registration tab or this link: click here
2) Enter your details: Name, surname, discord nick, cockatrice nick, link to decklist(remember that you can't modify your decklist during the tournament)
3) Enter your country of origin and time zone
4) Joining our channel on discord
How will it work in practice
Every Monday, new parings will be announced along with standings in the Events tab. Parings will also include each player's time zone to help them determine when to play their match.