Country/City: Venezuela/Maracay
Data: Feb 9, 2025
Nb of players: 8
1. Kenneth Hansen - Chatterfang, Squirrel General - 6 pts
2. Marco - Commodore Guff - 5 pts
3. Alberto - Talrand, Sky Summoner - 4 pts
4. Naoya Amano - Solphim, Mayhem Dominus - 4 pts
5. Sampletext - Rowan, Scion Of War - 3 pts
6. Reser - Aesi, Tyrant Of Gyre Strait - 3 pts
7. Skydragon98 - Stella Lee, Wild Card - 2 pts
8. TheFlyntAndSteel - Aminatou, Veil Piercer - 1 pt