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4th Leviathan League-Day 2 Sunday, Jul 16, Peru, Lima

Country/City: Peru, Lima

Data: Jul 16, 2023

Nb of players: 10

1. Diego Paredes (Astro) - Narset, Enlightened Master

2. Alfredo Mancheno - Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph

3. Oscar Mendiola - Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

4. Gonzalo Gallareta - Ertai 5. Aron Herrera - Isshin, Two Heavens as One

6. Christopher Zurita - Tevesh Szat//Livio

7. Jose Ramirez (Mancito) - Grist, the Hunger Tide

8. Luis Acevedo (Sapito) - Grist, the Hunger Tide

9. Oscar Sánchez (Boros) - Otharri, Sun's Glory

10. Felix Tejada - Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer

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